Smoke Damage in Residential Property in Lincoln City, Oregon

Have you ever left something in front of the heater for too long? This could result in a house fire and cause smoke damage in your house. Depending on the severity of the fire/smoke damage, structural materials can often be clean and salvaged. All affected areas are addressed with speciality cleaning techniques in accordance with…

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Water Damage in Crawlspace and Garage in Neskowin, Oregon

Many residential and commercial properties are feeling the effects of persisting rainfall we’ve recently had on the Oregon Coast. Water leaking into a crawlspace or basement after a heavy rainstorm can happen if there is compromised drainage or where there is a build up in the soil and can cause the rise in the water…

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Fire and Smoke Damage in Newport, OR

Have you ever walked away from the stove in the kitchen while it’s on and forgot to turn it off? This is a dangerous issue that can cause fire and smoke damage in a residential or commercial properties. For example, there was a motel in Newport, Oregon that had a guest turn on their stove…

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